Use of proton-pump inhibitors among adults: a Danish nationwide drug utilization study

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BACKGROUND: The use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) has increased over the last decade. The objective of this study was to provide detailed utilization data on PPI use over time, with special emphasis on duration of PPI use and concomitant use of ulcerogenic drugs.

METHODS: Using the nationwide Danish Prescription Registry, we identified all Danish adults filling a PPI between 2002 and 2014. Using descriptive statistics, we reported (i) the distribution of use between single PPI entities, (ii) the development in incidence and prevalence of use over time, (iii) measures of duration and intensity of treatment, and (iv) the prevalence of use of ulcerogenic drugs among users of PPIs.

RESULTS: We identified 1,617,614 adults using PPIs during the study period. The prevalence of PPI use increased fourfold during the study period to 7.4% of all Danish adults in 2014. PPI use showed strong age dependency, reaching more than 20% among those aged at least 80 years. The proportion of users maintaining treatment over time increased with increasing age, with less than10% of those aged 18-39 years using PPIs 2 years after their first prescription, compared with about 40% among those aged at least 80 years. The overall use of ulcerogenic drugs among PPI users increased moderately, from 35% of users of PPI in 2002 to 45% in 2014.

CONCLUSIONS: The use of PPIs is extensive and increasing rapidly, especially among the elderly.

Original languageEnglish
JournalTherapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)671-678
Publication statusPublished - 1. Sept 2016


  • general population
  • incidence
  • prescription registry
  • prevalence
  • proton-pump inhibitor
  • ulcerogenic drugs


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