Updated consensus statement on improving the mental health of high-performance athletes

Kristoffer Henriksen*, Robert J. Schinke, Karin Moesch, Sean McCann, William D. Parham, Carsten Hvid Larsen, Peter C. Terry

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


This consensus statement is the product of an international Think Tank on Athlete Mental Health held at the University of Southern Denmark on the initiative of the International Society of Sport Psychology, during September 2018. The Think Tank was a non-political and non-profit entity. The purpose of the Think Tank was to unify major sport psychology organizations in a discussion of the status and future challenges of applied and research aspects of athlete mental health, and to develop recommendations for sport organizations and researchers. The statement represents consensus views of an invited group of designated experts in the areas of sport psychology and athlete mental health.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMental Health in Sport and Physical Activity : Selected Writings from the ISSP Academy of Science
Publication date9. Apr 2024
ISBN (Print)9781032605845
ISBN (Electronic)9781003459750
Publication statusPublished - 9. Apr 2024


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