Uniform asymptotic properties of a nonparametric regression estimator of conditional tails

Yuri Goegebeur, Armelle Guillou, Gilles Stupfler

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We consider a nonparametric regression estimator of conditional tails introduced by Goegebeur, Y., Guillou, A., Schorgen, G. (2013). Nonparametric regression estimation of conditional tails-the random covariate case. It is shown that this estimator is uniformly strongly consistent on compact sets and its rate of convergence is given.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)1190-1213
Publication statusPublished - 1. Aug 2015


  • Kernel estimation
  • Strong uniform consistency
  • Tail-index


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