Training of trainers in active learning methods at the Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Anne Leena Ikonen, Leena Eklund Karlsson, Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Arja R. Aro

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterCommunication


Abstract title:
Training of trainers in active learning methods at the Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Students’ learning outcome of teaching activity/course presented:
University of Southern Denmark (SDU) conducted a cross-cultural knowledge transfer project (from SDU to Princess Nourah University - PNU) in Bachelor level education in 2013-17. The SDU BSc in Public Health curriculum was adjusted into a BSc in Health Education and Promotion and BSc in Epidemiology Programmes to fit into the Saudi context and culture and education needs. Training the PNU teachers in active learning methods was part of the knowledge transfer. The aim was to develop and strengthen the teachers´ skills and competencies and enable them to develop their teaching towards active, student-centred learning.

Description of your teaching activity/course:
In the autumn 2016 SDU organized a 9-day Active Learning Workshop (4 ECTS) for the teaching staff at PNU. The workshop included on-site lectures, individual and group assignments, teaching auscultation, preparation of pedagogical learning diary and teaching philosophy as well as self study. Various active teaching techniques were introduced and practiced. The content was tailored to support participants’ personal learning plans and teaching work.

Evaluation of the activity/course design, from student/teacher perspective:
Ten teachers participated the Workshop. According to the evaluation (collected through a survey after the workshop) the participants felt they had gained knowledge and skills to plan and carry out teaching based on the principles of active learning. The focus was on teachers´ own development. They also visited colleagues´ classrooms and found it useful to learn from peers. They perceived that sharing their teaching experiences in the group – both successes and challenges - was new but fruitful to them. The participants enjoyed the dialogue as a learning style used in the workshop. The feedback from participants was generally positive indicating that the participants found the workshop beneficial for their daily work.

Reflective description of experiences with activity/course as to how your practice can be inspirational/transferable to others (subjects, students, institutions,…)
Participants described their teaching experiences and learning objectives shortly in given pre-assignment. This revealed that the workshop was the first pedagogical training for most of them and that they were lacking theoretical knowledge on teaching. E.g. the concepts of student-centred teaching, dialogue, and ownership of learning, were new for participants. The acquired knowledge of these basic approaches expanded their thoughts about teacher´s role and their ideas about how they could better interact with students. When adult learners have a possibility to participate 100%, share their learning with their peers and assimilate their expertise, they become more committed to step out of their comfort zone and achieve their competence development goals.

Original languageEnglish
Publication date30. Oct 2018
Publication statusPublished - 30. Oct 2018
EventTeaching for Active Learning - University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Duration: 7. Nov 20177. Nov 2017


ConferenceTeaching for Active Learning
LocationUniversity of Southern Denmark
Internet address


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