Topology Optimization of High Resolution Lattice Structures Using a PDE-filter

Hao Li, Minghao Yu, Pierre Jolivet, Joe Alexandersen, Nari Nakayama, Naoyuki Ishida, Kozo Furuta, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Lattice-like structures can be observed in many natural systems and industrial applications. Motivated by the need of such porous structure in the design engineering, the present work uses a single scale approach and proposes a level set-based topology optimization method for the lattice designing. The key idea is to introduce a maximum length-scale constraint, realized by a PDE-filter, into the reaction-diffusion equation based LSM. The proposed TO technique can be applied in the unstructured and/or adaptive mesh-based framework, and it can be coupled with the distributed computing technique to achieve high resolution designs. A numerical test case is presented to demonstrate the proposed methodology.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Proceedings of Design & Systems Conference
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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