The Nature of the Successful Elite Sport Environment: In the Intersection of Performance and Thriving

Anusofia Schlawe*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearch


Research in talent development illustrates that the environment within which an athlete develops critically impacts their ability to thrive in and out of sport. This research demonstrates that some environments are more successful at developing junior athletes to the elite level, and that these environments share a number of characteristics which enable them to produce elite athletes who experience positive mental health and who flourish and perform at the highest level (Henriksen, 2010; Henriksen et al., 2010). This research has provided a roadmap for the development of successful athletic talent environments within Denmark, and a picture of a key phase in the ecology of athletic development. The present research will fill the gap in knowledge at the elite stage of the ecology of athletic development, by providing an understanding of what defines a successful elite sport environment and what factors contribute to its success.This research will use narrative review, interview and case study methods. Findings from the narrative review study indicate that good environments are characterized by factors related to the way these environments are led, and structured, and the relationship between coach and athlete. These findings will be the focus of this presentation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date24. Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - 24. Aug 2023
EventNational konference for idrætsforskere: Idrætsforskningens problemer - konference om idrætsforskning i Danmark - SUND Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg
Duration: 24. Aug 202324. Aug 2023


ConferenceNational konference for idrætsforskere
LocationSUND Aalborg Universitet
Internet address


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