The impact of ventilation tubes in otitis media on the risk of cholesteatoma on a national level

Bjarki Ditlev Djurhuus, Kaare Christensen, Axel Skytthe, Christian Emil Faber

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearch


We found that prolonged OM requiring multiple VTIs was associated with an increased risk of STMEC1. Early age at first VTI and short time between two VTIs was associated with a lower risk of STMEC1. This may be the result of reduced time with negative middle ear pressure and OM. However, these findings may be susceptible to selection bias, as age at first VTI and time between VTIs, as well as the outcome variable, STMEC1, may all depend on the underlying indication for VTI. In short the present study suggests that treatment with VTI in children with OM reduces the risk of STMEC1 on a population level. However, for the individual child the absolute risk reduction is very small, and the decision of treatment with VTI must always rely on the symptoms and clinical findings in the individual child.

Original languageEnglish
Publication date21. May 2015
Publication statusPublished - 21. May 2015
EventÅrsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Otolaryngologi - Hoved- og Halskirurgi - , Denmark
Duration: 21. May 201522. May 2015


ConferenceÅrsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Otolaryngologi - Hoved- og Halskirurgi


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