The Impact of Hypoglycaemia on the Quality of Life of Family Members of Persons with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes

Research output: ThesisPh.D. thesis

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Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) is a common and recurrent complication to insulin treatment and glucose lowering tablets. Episodes of hypoglycaemia can not only cause a variety of physical reactions but can also have a negative psychological impact on persons with diabetes and their family members. Family members can experience fear and worries about hypoglycaemia, yet the impact of hypoglycaemia on other areas of family members lives, such as work, relationships and social life, is not fully understood.

Hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) is a common and recurrent complication to insulin treatment andglucose lowering tablets. Episodes of hypoglycaemia can not only cause a variety of physicalreactions but can also have a negative psychological impact on persons with diabetes and their family members. Family members can experience fear and worries about hypoglycaemia, yet the impact of hypoglycaemia on other areas of family members lives, such as work, relationships and social life, is not fully understood.

Two systematic reviews were conducted to map the current evidence base of the impact of hypoglycaemia on family members. An online, multi-country, qualitative survey was developed and conducted exploring the impact of hypoglycaemia on family members, and their related needs and wishes. 

The thesis found that family members are severely impacted by hypoglycaemia on multiple areas of their lives, and that they have specific needs and wishes related to their relatives’ hypoglycaemia. The findings highlight that the impact of hypoglycaemia is complex, and that family members’ needs should be addressed with targeted support offers. The thesis further found that measures used to assess the impact of hypoglycaemia on parent’s life address only certain aspects of quality of life, and further that inconsistencies in measuring and defining hypoglycaemia in studies including parent report exist. 

The clinical implications and future perspectives of these findings will be discussed in the present thesis.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Southern Denmark
  • Pouwer, Francois, Principal supervisor
  • Broadley, Melanie, Supervisor
  • Speight, Jane, Supervisor
Date of defence4. Mar 2022
Publication statusPublished - 3. Feb 2022


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