The Cost of Astronomy: Publishing fees in astronomy: Is something rotten in the case of Denmark?

    Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearch

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    Using Scopus and national sources, I have investigated the evolution of the cost of publishing in Danish astronomy on a fine scale over a number of years. I find that the number of publications per year from Danish astronomers increased by a factor of four during 15 years: naturally, the corresponding potential cost of publishing must have increased similarly. The actual realized cost of publishing in core journals are investigated for a high profile Danish astronomy research institutions. I argue that the situation is highly unstable if the current cost scenario continues, and I speculate that Danish astronomy is risking a scholarly communication collapse due to the combination of increasing subscription cost, increased research output, and increased direct publishing costs related to Open access and other page charges.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date27. Jul 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 27. Jul 2018
    Event8th LISA Conference: Library and Information Services in Astronomy - Centre de Donnees astronomiques, Strasbourg, France
    Duration: 6. Jun 20179. Jun 2017
    Conference number: VIII


    Conference8th LISA Conference
    LocationCentre de Donnees astronomiques

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