Survivors of child maltreatment: A historical review of global health and research

Pia Rockhold*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


Based on an extensive literature review, this chapter outlines key developments in global health and research during the last century with focus on the emergence of violence and child maltreatment as international public health priorities. Violence has been known to humans for millennia, but only in the late 1990s was it recognised as a global public health issue. Every year, an estimated 1 billion children are exposed to trauma, loss, abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment takes a social and economic toll on countries. Research initiated in 1985 found child maltreatment to be associated with increased disease, disability and premature death in adult survivors. The global availability of data on child maltreatment is, however, sporadic with low validity and reliability. Few global experts have consulted and involved the survivors of child maltreatment, as the experts by experience, in their attempts to provide a more comprehensive picture of reality. Youth and adult survivors of child maltreatment are often traumatised by the experience, and it is important to use trauma-informed approaches to prevent re-traumatisation. Participatory and inclusive research on child maltreatment is only in its infancy. There is a need for more inclusive research, designed by survivors for survivors, hereby strengthening local capacity building and informing policymakers from the bottom up. This chapter reviews lessons learnt and provides recommendations for how to enhance the participation and inclusion of the experts by experience in research on child maltreatment.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationParticipatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors : Concepts, Ethics, and Methods
EditorsMaria Roth, Ravit Alfandari, Gemma Crous
Number of pages14
Place of PublicationBingley
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing
Publication date4. Oct 2023
ISBN (Print)9781804555293
ISBN (Electronic)9781804555262
Publication statusPublished - 4. Oct 2023
SeriesEmerald Studies in Child Centred Practice

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Pia Rockhold.


  • Adverse childhood experience
  • Child maltreatment
  • Historical review
  • Participation in research
  • Trauma
  • Violence


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