Signal abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging in acute optic neuritis. A prospective study

Kerstin Soelberg, Hanne Pernille Bro Skejoe, Jesper Mehlsen, Jakob Grauslund, Friedemann Paul, Terry J Smith, Søren Thue Lillevang, Brian Weinshenker, Nasrin Asgari

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterResearchpeer-review

Original languageDanish
Publication date15. Sept 2016
Publication statusPublished - 15. Sept 2016
Event32nd ECTRIMS: Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis - ExCeL London, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 14. Sept 201617. Sept 2016


Conference32nd ECTRIMS
LocationExCeL London
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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