Robot assisted electrical impedance scanning for tissue bioimpedance spectroscopy measurement

Zhuoqi Cheng, Diego Dall'Alba*, Kim Lindberg Schwaner, Paolo Fiorini, Thiusius R. Savarimuthu

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Intraoperative tissue identification is important and frequently required in modern surgical approaches for guiding operation. For this purpose, a novel robot assisted sensing system equipped with a wide-band impedance spectroscope is developed. Without introducing an external sensor probe to the operating site, the proposed system incorporates two robotic instruments for electric current excitation and voltage measurement. Based on the developed measurement strategy and algorithm, the electrical conductivity and permittivity of the tissue region can be calculated. Experiments based on simulation, salines and ex-vivo tissue phantoms are conducted. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system has a high measurement accuracy (≥97%). Through a simple support vector machine, a 100% accuracy is achieved for identifying five different tissues. Given the convincing results, the presented sensing system shows great potential in offering effective, fast, and safe tissue inspection.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111112
JournalMeasurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 31. May 2022


  • Bioimpedance Spectroscopy
  • Electrodes position control
  • Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Tissue identification
  • Tri-polar sensing configuration


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