Review of Minimal Flavor Constraints for Technicolor

Hidenori S. Fukano, Francesco Sannino

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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We analyze the constraints on the the vacuum polarization of the standard model gauge bosons from a minimal set of flavor observables valid for a general class of models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. We will show that the constraints have a strong impact on the self-coupling and masses of the lightest spin-one resonances.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

To appear in the proceedings of 2009 Nagoya Global COE workshop " Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in LHC Era" (SCGT 09), December 8-11, 2009, Nagoya, Japan


  • hep-ph


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