Review of low titre group O whole blood use for massively bleeding patients around the world in 2019

Mark Yazer, Philip C. Spinella

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Background The use of low titre group O whole blood (LTOWB) is increasing at civilian transfusion services in the United States and around the world as it has several advantages over conventional components for the resuscitation of traumatically injured and massively bleeding patients. This report documents the implementation of these LTOWB programmes. Methods The AABB/THOR (Trauma, Hemostasis, and Oxygenation Research network) working party developed an electronic survey that was sent to the medical directors of transfusion services where an LTOWB programme had been implemented. Various aspects of the transfusion service's practice were explored. Results There were 27 respondents from four different countries. The majority of the respondents (24/27, 89%) were from the United States, while the others were from Israel, Norway and the United Kingdom. At the 20 sites with a limit on the number of LTOWB units for transfusion in massive bleeding, the average (SD) was 4 (1). Most respondents, 20/27 (74%), use LTOWB for trauma patients only, and the majority, 16/27 (59%), use leucoreduced LTOWB. The most common titre threshold was <200 (15/27, 56%) although the range was generally between <50 and <256. The most common storage lengths for the LTOWB were 14 days (11/27, 41%) and 21 days (12/27, 44%). Most centres, 15/27 (56%), discarded unused LTOWB units after the storage length had been exceeded although some centres, 9/27 (33%), were able to produce an RBC unit for transfusion. Conclusion Low titre group O whole blood programmes have different characteristics in the transfusion services where they have been developed predominantly to support trauma programmes.
Original languageEnglish
JournalI S B T Science Series
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)276-281
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2019


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