Prognostic value of baseline functional status measures and geriatric screening in vulnerable older patients with metastatic colorectal cancer receiving palliative chemotherapy – The randomized NORDIC9-study

Gabor Liposits*, Jesper Ryg, Halla Skuladottir, Stine B. Winther, Sören Möller, Eva Hofsli, Carl Henrik Shah, Laurids Østergaard Poulsen, Åke Berglund, Camilla Qvortrup, Pia Osterlund, Bengt Glimelius, Halfdan Sorbye, Per Pfeiffer

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  • Nordic9-study

    Liposits, G. I. (PhD student), Pfeiffer, P. (Supervisor), Winther, S. B. (Co-supervisor), Ryg, J. (Co-supervisor) & Skuladottir, H. (Co-supervisor)


    Project: PhD Project