Professionsuddannelser i krise? rekrutteringsproblemer, meningstab og meningsdannelse i nordiske lærer- og pædagoguddannelser

Jakob Bøje (Editor), Aslaug Kristiansen (Editor), Jan Gustafsson Nyckel (Editor), Jan Jaap Rothuizen (Editor)

Research output: Book/reportAnthologyResearchpeer-review


This book represents an interest in some of the aspects of the care crisis. We focus on what is called loss of meaning and shaping of meaning in the Nordic teacher training programmes. This involves an attempt to study and strengthen the professional norms, standards, and ideals, which have historically developed within the Nordic teacher training programmes and professions. These norms, standards and ideals are diverse, but they can be summarized as a professional ethos aimed at ‘making a difference’ in children’s and young people’s lives. We are concerned this very basic help-motiff is increasingly lost, forgotten, or neglected as part of the care crisis, and we are interested in finding ways to reinstate and reshape its crucial meaning.

Furthermore, we suggest reinstating and reshaping teachers’ and social educators’ professional ethos can remedy some of the problems related to recruitment and retention of, respectively, junior and senior members of the professions. This argument is elaborated through the book, but very roughly we assume a close connection between the meaning of a profession and the status of a profession. If the meaning is lost, neglected, taken for granted, it can be hard to appreciate the profession. In other words, the status decreases if the meaning dissolves. This seems to be the case in point for teachers, social educators, and other care workers making them generally less ‘attractive’ for junior and senior members.
Original languageMultiple languages
PublisherSyddansk Universitetsforlag
Number of pages234
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-408-3509-0
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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