Professionelle læringsfællesskaber: Et forskningsoverblik (2018-2021)

Connie Svabo, Thomas Albrechtsen, Tina Maria Brinks, Katrine Bennedsen

Research output: Book/reportReportResearch


Professional Learning Communities – research overview (2018-2021) is a scoping review of international research on professional learning communities. The review is based on peer-reviewed publications from 2018-2021 found in the educational resources and information database ERIC. The scoping review has five primary results: 1) the framework of the research and development programme Naturfagsakademiet (NAFA) and its six characteris-tics are found in the reviewed literature; 2) professional learning communities is a research theme of international interest with publications from more than 30 countries; 3) science education is not explicitly covered by very much of the literature; 4) teacher education is an emerging research theme; 5) as is network-based learning communities.
Original languageDanish
PublisherNAFA - Naturfags Akademiet
Number of pages60
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-93894-28-0
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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