Probing correlations of early magnetic fields using μ-distortion

Jonathan Ganc, Martin Snoager Sloth

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The damping of a non-uniform magnetic field between the redshifts of about 10 4 and 10 6 injects energy into the photon-baryon plasma and causes the CMB to deviate from a perfect blackbody spectrum, producing a so-called μ-distortion. We can calculate the correlation 〈μ T〉 of this distortion with the temperature anisotropy T of the CMB to search for a correlation 〈 B 2ζ〉 between the magnetic field B and the curvature perturbation ζ; knowing the 〈 B 2ζ〉 correlation would help us distinguish between different models of magnetogenesis. Since the perturbations which produce the μ-distortion will be much smaller scale than the relevant density perturbations, the observation of this correlation is sensitive to the squeezed limit of 〈 B 2ζ〉, which is naturally parameterized by b NL (a parameter defined analogously to f NL). We find that a PIXIE-like CMB experiments has a signal to noise S/N≈ 1.0 × b NL ( μ/10nG) 2, where μ is the magnetic field's strength on μ-distortion scales normalized to today's redshift; thus, a 10 nG field would be detectable with b NL=(1). However, if the field is of inflationary origin, we generically expect it to be accompanied by a curvature bispectrum 〈ζ 3〉 induced by the magnetic field. For sufficiently small magnetic fields, the signal 〈 B 2 ζ〉 will dominate, but for μ≳ 1 nG, one would have to consider the specifics of the inflationary magnetogenesis model. We also discuss the potential post-magnetogenesis sources of a 〈 B 2ζ〉 correlation and explain why there will be no contribution from the evolution of the magnetic field in response to the curvature perturbation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number018
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1. Aug 2014


  • astro-ph.CO
  • gr-qc
  • hep-th
  • primordial magnetic fields
  • non-gaussianity
  • CMBR theory
  • cosmic magnetic fields theory


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