PR024/#890  Performance of an artificial intelligence model for evaluation of colposcopic images compared to digital colposcopy and colposcopists impression

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Introduction Colposcopy has limited sensitivity for identification of Cervical intraepithelial Neoplasia in need of preventive treatment (CIN2+) even in skilled hands and when digital technologies are used. Artificial Intelligence models offer the potential to enhance diagnostic accuracy and reduce the dependence on trained colposcopists.

Methods We recorded colposcopies by the Dysis Digital Colposcope from women with a Transformation Zone type 1 or 2. Images were mapped with location of 3-4 biopsies: - Biopsy at the colposcopist’s discretion (CD) - Biopsy marked by the Dysis Color Map (DCM) indicating low or high-grade lesions - Two random biopsies Biopsies were histologically analyzed separately and classified as Class 1 (normal, inflammation, CIN1) or Class 2 (CIN2+: CIN2/3,AIS or Carcinoma). A Cervix-AID-NET model was developed and tested on this material.

Results The median age of the 178 women was 30 years. Colposcopy indications were low grade cytology (n=80), high grade cytology (n=57), follow-up on CIN2 (n=31) and other reasons (n=10). The diagnostic accuracy of Cervix-AID-NET for CIN2+ was 99.8% compared to 58.4% for DCM and 55.1% for CD. The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value (NPV) of the AI model for CIN2+ were 99,9%, 99,8% and 99.9%. respectively.

Conclusion/Implications Conclusion and implication: Cervix-AID-NET demonstrated superior accuracy in detection of CIN2+ lesions compared to the performance of a digital colposcope and the subjective evaluation by the colposcopist. The high diagnostic accuracy support a ‘See and Treat’ strategy in patients with a Class 2 colposcopy. Women with a Class 1 colposcopy could be safely managed without biopsies.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Issue numberSuppl. 3
Pages (from-to)A51-A52
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventIGCS 2024 Annual Meeting - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 16. Oct 202418. Oct 2024


ConferenceIGCS 2024 Annual Meeting


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