Non-zero temperature study of spin 1/2 charmed baryons using lattice gauge theory

Gert Aarts*, Chris Allton, M. Naeem Anwar, Ryan Bignell, Timothy J. Burns, Benjamin Jäger, Jon Ivar Skullerud

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We study the behaviour of spin 1/2 charmed baryons as the temperature increases. We make use of anisotropic lattice QCD simulations with Nf=2+1 dynamical flavours. After determining the positive and negative parity ground state masses at the lowest temperature, we investigate the effect of rising temperature using ratios of thermal lattice correlators with both so-called reconstructed correlators and with simple model correlators. This avoids difficulties associated with non-zero temperature fitting or spectral reconstruction. We find that temperature effects are prominent throughout the hadronic phase for all negative parity channels considered and for some positive parity channels. Subsequently and where possible, we determine the masses of the ground states as a function of temperature. Finally we consider the effect of chiral symmetry restoration and extract an estimate of the pseudocritical temperature from singly charmed baryonic correlators.

Original languageEnglish
Article number59
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number3
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


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