Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for characterizing renal tumors: A validation study of the algorithm presented by Cornelis et al.

Pia Iben Pietersen*, Janni Lynggård Bo Madsen, Jon Thor Asmussen, Lars Lund, Tommy Kjaergaard Nielsen, Michael Pedersen, Birthe Engvad, Ole Graumann

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OBJECTIVES:In the last decade, the incidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has been rising, with the greatest increase observed for solid tumors. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols and algorithms have recently been available for classifying RCC subtypes and benign subtypes. The objective of this study was to prospectively validate the MRI algorithm presented by Cornelis et al. for RCC classification.MATERIAL AND METHODS:Over a 7-month period, 38 patients with 44 renal tumors were prospectively included in the study and received an MRI examination in addition to the conventional investigation program. The MRI sequences were: T2-weighted, dual chemical shift MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted in wash-in and wash-out phases. The images were evaluated according to the algorithm by two experienced, blinded radiologists, and the histopathological diagnosis served as the gold standard.RESULTS:Of 44 tumors in 38 patients, only 8 tumors (18.2%) received the same MRI diagnosis according to the algorithm as the histopathological diagnosis. MRI diagnosed 16 angiomyolipoma, 14 clear cell RCC (ccRCC), 12 chromophobe RCC (chRCC), and two papillary RCC (pRCC), while histopathological examination diagnosed 24 ccRCC, four pRCC, one chRCC, and one mixed tumor of both pRCC and chRCC. Malignant tumors were statistically significantly larger than the benign (3.16 ± 1.34 cm vs. 2.00 ± 1.04 cm, P = 0.006).CONCLUSION:This prospective study could not reproduce Cornelis et al.’s results and does not support differentiating renal masses using multiparametric MRI without percutaneous biopsy in the future. The MRI algorithm showed few promising results to categorize renal tumors, indicating histopathology for clinical decisions and follow-up regimes of renal masses are still required.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7
JournalJournal of Clinical Imaging Science
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2023


  • Imaging sequences
  • Kidney
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • Neoplasms-primary
  • Urinary


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