Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Metod to reduce the risk of wound infection in obese women following caesarean section

Nana Hyldig, Christina Anne Vinter, Camilla Bille, Marie Kruse, Ronald Francis Lamont, Jens Ahm Sørensen, Ole Mogensen, Lene Nyhøj Heidemann, Mette Holm Ibsen, Jacob Brink Laursen, Per Glud Ovesen, Mette Tanvig, Jan Stener Jørgensen

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterResearch


Background: Obese women undergoing caesarean section are at increased risk of surgical wound complications, which may lead to delayed recovery, pain, reduced quality of life, and increased health care cost. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (iNPWT) applied prophylactically following caesarean section compared with standard postoperative dressings in obese women undergoing caesarean section.
Method: This study is designed as an unblinded, pragmatic, parallel randomised multicenter trial, with a 1:1 allocation. A computer random number generator are used to allocate the participants into one of two groups (iNPWT vs. standard dressing), stratified by centre and type of CS. The study is conducted at five public hospitals located in three regions of Denmark. Interim analyses will be preformed along the trial using the group sequential method. The analyses will be performed when sample size reaches 179, 357, 535, 713, and 891, respectively.
Population: women with a pre-gestational BMI ≥ 30 undergoing planned or emergency caesarean section. The iNPWT or standard dressings is applied immediately following operation. In the intervention group the therapy will be left in situ for five days. In the control group the dressing will be left in situ for at least 24 hours as standard procedure. Follow-up is 30 days.
Results: The study is on going. The first 179 participants are about to be analysed. Overall we expect to find a 50% reduction of wound infection when using iNPWT compared to standard postoperative dressings in this high-risk subpopulation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date27. Aug 2015
Publication statusPublished - 27. Aug 2015
EventNOrdic Congress on Obesity in Gynaecology and Obestetrics - Hindsgavl Conference Center, Middelfart, Denmark
Duration: 27. Aug 201529. Aug 2015
Conference number: 2


ConferenceNOrdic Congress on Obesity in Gynaecology and Obestetrics
LocationHindsgavl Conference Center


  • Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
  • Obesity
  • Randomised Control Trials
  • Caesarean Section

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