Identification of degradation mechanisms in slot-die coated non-fullerene ITO-free organic solar cells using different illumination spectra

Belen Arredondo*, Gonzalo del Pozo, Enrique Hernandez-Balaguera, Diego Martin Martin, Maria del Carmen Lopez Gonzalez, Beatriz Romero, Eduardo Lopez-Fraguas, Ricardo Vergaz, Xabier Quintana, Jani Lamminaho, Elodie Destouesse, Mehrad Ahmadpour, Vida Engmann, Morten Madsen

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In this work, we have studied degradation mechanisms of nonfullerene-based organic solar cells with PET/Ag/ZnO/PBDTB-T:ITIC/PEDOT:PSS/CPP PEDOT:PSS device structure. We compare pristine and degraded samples that were subjected to outdoor degradation following the standard ISOS-O2 protocol. The ideality factors for different incident wavelengths obtained from open-circuit voltage vs irradiation level and current density-voltage (J-V) measurements at different temperatures indicate that for aged samples recombination is governed by the Shockley-Read-Hall mechanism occurring in a region near the anode. Samples were also characterized using impedance spectroscopy (IS) and fitted to an electrical model. Impedance parameters were used to obtain mobility, indicating a clear degradation of the active layer blend for aged samples. The change in the chemical capacitance also reveals a worsening in carrier extraction. Finally, two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulations and fits to experimental J-V curves confirm the existence of a layer near the anode contact with poorer mobility and a decrease in the anode work function (WF) for the degraded samples.

Original languageEnglish
JournalACS Applied Energy Materials
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)6476-6485
Publication statusPublished - 27. Jul 2020


  • ITO-free
  • degradation
  • flexible
  • nonfullerene
  • organic solar cells
  • slot-die coating


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