Game theatres as methodology for trust building in scenario development

Réjane Dreifuss, Jacqueline Holzer, Patricia Wolf

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The so-called “game-theatre” make use of the logic of digital games and relies on their performative and rule-based storytelling. These new narrative theatrical forms, which often take place completely analogously, offer more participatory, immersive and interactive spaces for scenario development. They also lead to new social and dramaturgical spaces of experience. The authors investigate the question whether and how far the “game-theatre” methodology might serve as a complementary means to traditional scenario building to overcome the existing shortcomings and enable the development of trust-building future scenarios in organizations. The paper explores especially how Selin’s (2006) four dimensions of trust building are dealt within the methodological approaches of two different “game-theatres” companies and projects.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProccedings of 20th International CINet Conference : Innovating in an era of continuous disruption
Place of PublicationDenmark
PublisherContinuous Innovation Network
Publication date2019
ISBN (Print)978-90-77360-22-4
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event20th International CINet Conference: Innovating in an era of continuous disruption - Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Duration: 8. Sept 201910. Sept 2019


Conference20th International CINet Conference
Internet address

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