Effective High-Performance Sport Environments: Stakeholder Perspectives

Anusofia Schlawe*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearch


The Holistic Ecological Approach (HEA; Henriksen, 2010) has been a prominent framework in research examining the development of athletic talent (Henriksen and Stambulova, 2017). This body of research emphasizes the critical role of environmental factors in shaping both the personal growth and athletic performance of athletes (Hauser et al., 2022). Despite its widespread application, the HEA has not been extensively explored in the context of elite sport, where the environment presents unique characteristics that support athlete performance and overall well-being.

To address this gap, this study used the HEA to investigate the perspectives of twelve elite sport experts on the characteristics of successful elite sport environments. Participants, including coaches, sport psychologists, high-performance directors, and managers in Danish elite sport, were interviewed about two key themes: (1) the defining features of successful elite sport environments and (2) their strategies for cultivating such environments.
Findings revealed that successful elite sport environments adopted a holistic developmental approach. They supported athletes in setting meaningful goals, building strong relationships, and pursuing fulfilling athletic careers. The results indicated that success depended on factors such as organizational structure, management practices, leadership, and organizational culture.
In sum, this research demonstrated the relevance of the HEA in an elite sport context and identified key environmental features that contributed to elite athlete performance and overall flourishing.

Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventEuropean Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology - Innsbruck, Austria
Duration: 15. Jul 202419. Jul 2024


ConferenceEuropean Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Internet address


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