Driving – or being driven – by transformation?

Charlotte Wien

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


Originally the raison d’être of the research library was to serve the researchers. However, in the late 1980s and the 1990s, New Public Management became the mantra of public administration. The NPM trend made universities look for simpler means of measuring researcher performance. Parallel to this the discipline ‘Bibliometrics’ matured and created a series of performance indicators for researchers.

Among scholars it was evident that the scientific domains have different standards and that no single measure can meaningfully cover all disciplines. Therefore, when developing indicators, the scholars carefully specified the scope of each indicator. Unfortunately, politicians and decision makers have not paid much attention to this and have implemented performance indicators in a ‘one size fits all’-mode.

The h-index is an example: Suggested in 2005 by Hirsch and based on number of publications and citations it was designed to measure theoretical physicist’s performance. Nevertheless, has it been applied to all disciplines, even Arts and Humanities where it due to the lack of tradition for calculating citations, is not suitable at all.

Since much of the daily and practical work related to bibliometric analyses are done by research librarians they now find themselves in a potential battle zone between the researchers and their employers. How can research libraries maintain a balance and prevent such conflicts of interest? LIBER’s Innovative Metrics Working Group in working on a series of recommendations on how research libraries can deal with metrics in a transparent, standardized and responsible way.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date26. Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - 26. Feb 2019
Event2019 OCLC EMEA Regional Council Conference - Palais du Pharo, 58 boulevard Charles Livon, Marseille, Marseille, France
Duration: 26. Feb 201927. Feb 2019


Conference2019 OCLC EMEA Regional Council Conference
LocationPalais du Pharo, 58 boulevard Charles Livon, Marseille
Internet address

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