Development of brief assessment packages of psychosocial constructs related to doping

N. Ntoumanis*, V. Barkoukis, A. M. Pensgaard, A. Ivarsson, J. T. Rivold, I. D. Boardley

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Background: We aimed to develop brief self-report tools that can be used by anti-doping organizations (ADOs) to evaluate education programs regarding their effects on psychosocial correlates of doping. Current assessment tools are too long for this purpose. Methods: In phase 1, we reviewed the literature and selected psychosocial constructs perceived to be amenable to anti-doping education. In phase 2, a survey with these constructs was sent to anti-doping experts (i.e. researchers and representatives of ADOs), who rated their importance and rank ordered them. Following this, a smaller pool of constructs was chosen for phase 3, during which, questionnaires capturing these constructs were distributed to adult athletes and athlete support personnel (ASP) in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Results: Using data from 307 adult athletes and 296 ASP, we selected the best 2–3 items for scales tapping each construct, via the OASIS package in R. Two questionnaires with 24 (athletes) and 28 (ASP) items, respectively, were formed. The questionnaires assess 11 and 13 different constructs, respectively, and capture diverse aspects such as morality, motivation, perceived benefits, and perceived deterrents relevant to doping. Conclusion: The questionnaires provide brief assessments for diverse psychosocial constructs that could be used to evaluate ADO education programs.

Original languageEnglish
JournalDrugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Number of pages9
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6. Nov 2024


  • Anti-doping education
  • brief assessment
  • psychosocial correlates


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