Det hybride bibliotek set med brugernes øjne: Rapport for DEFF-projektet "Lånernes forventninger og krav til det hybride bibliotek"

Translated title of the contribution: The hybrid library - from the users' perspective: a report for the DEFF project "The loaners' expectations and demands for the hybrid library"

Jeppe Lomholt Akselbo, Gina Bay, Gitte Bach Markussen, Lise Arnfred, Sten Barfort, Tine Bagger Christiansen, Jens Hofman Hansen, Henrik Tvermoes Jensen, Anne Mette Morthorst, Michael Poltorak Nielsen

Research output: Book/reportReportResearch

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Translated title of the contributionThe hybrid library - from the users' perspective: a report for the DEFF project "The loaners' expectations and demands for the hybrid library"
Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • usability
  • user behaviour
  • library use

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