Deprescribing tool for STOPPFall (screening tool of older persons prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk) items

L J Seppala, M Petrovic, Jesper Ryg, G Bahat, E Topinkova, K Szczerbińska, T J van der Cammen, S Hartikainen, B Ilhan, F Landi, Y Morrissey, A Mair, M Gutiérrez-Valencia, M H Emmelot-Vonk, M A Caballero Mora, Michael Denkinger, P Crome, S. H. D. Jackson, A Correa-Pérez, W. KnolG Soulis, Adalsteinn Gudmundsson, G Ziere, M Wehling, D. O’Mahony, Antonio Cherubini, Nathalie van der Velde

Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearchpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Article number435
JournalEuropean Geriatric Medicine
Issue numberSuppl. 1
Pages (from-to)267-268
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event16th European Geriatric Medicine Society Congress (16th EuGMS) - Virtuel
Duration: 7. Oct 20209. Oct 2020


Conference16th European Geriatric Medicine Society Congress (16th EuGMS)

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