Citizen Science Health project and high school students – evaluation on scientific literacy

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterResearch

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Introduction and aim
The University Library of Southern Denmark (ULSD) is partner, in co-creation with the Region of Southern Denmark, five region hospitals and two media houses, in the Citizen Science health project “A Healthier Southern Denmark.” In parallel a high school panel was established, in collaboration and co-creation with six high schools.
The aims were:
1. Engaging high school students to participate and contribute to a citizen science health project.
2. Investigation in empowerment on student’s scientific literacy level.

The students were presented to designs for user-involved studies and participatory democracy. Documents, videos, and dilemmas on health subjects were on a Libguide, as part of the curriculum. The students interviewed researchers and produced a conference poster, based on the methods learned. For evaluation, a mixed-methods study was conducted. An online survey on scientific literacy inspired by TOSLS (Test of Scientific Literacy Skills) was developed as a multiple-choice test, in SurveyXact. The aim was to see if there was a significant progression in the high school student’s literacy level during the project. The survey was conducted on all the enrolled students. To supplement the quantitative data, observations in the classroom and during events were made. Follow-up interviews (semi-structured questions) were held with a selected number of students, and teachers.

Results from the survey shows that there is a progression in the student’s scientific literacy level, and it is significant in seven out of ten of the questions. The average score for all classes were 5,2/10 in the first survey and 5,8/10 in the second. Questions on source criticism had a higher score, questions with mathematics had a lower score. Observations and answers from the interviews with the students, showed a little progression in Scientific literacy. The students were engaged in the citizen science project. They learned to be more critical towards scientific information and learned how to read and communicate a scientific topic.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date7. Oct 2022
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7. Oct 2022
EventECSA CONFERENCE 2022: October 5-8 in Berlin: Citizen Science for Planetary Health - Langenbeck-Virchow House, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 5. Oct 20227. Oct 2022


ConferenceECSA CONFERENCE 2022: October 5-8 in Berlin
LocationLangenbeck-Virchow House
Internet address

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