Applied Positive Psychology and Mindfulness: An Intervention Study

Jeannett Søndergaard Hansen*, Julie Søndergaard Povlsen, Hanne Irene Jensen

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Healthcare professionals face numerous challenges in their daily work with
core areas of treatment and care, but also in relation to organizational changes,
changes in work assignments, and education. These challenges entail a need
for mental robustness to prevent strain symptoms and stress. The aim of this
study was to examine if the mental health and well-being of healthcare professionals can be improved via the teaching of and training in positive psychology and mindfulness. An intervention study was conducted with a fourday course with training in applied and theoretical aspects of positive psychology and mindfulness. The 23 participants were nurses and secretaries
employed at a regional hospital in Denmark. The effects of the intervention
were assessed by semi-structured interviews and quantitative measurements
of well-being, positivity, and self-compassion. The participants described that
they had learned techniques to face problems and challenges in a new way.
The main themes from the qualitative analysis were increased positivity and
strengths/skills, better mental gearshift, serenity, and increased self-compassion.
Quantitative results showed an increase in the positivity-test, self-compassion
test, and WHO-5 scale during the training period and a fade in the results
3-months post-intervention. Further research is necessary to confirm a significant increase in robustness and reduction in strain symptoms. Applying
positive psychology and mindfulness may increase the positivity and mental
robustness among healthcare professionals, and this study has described a
model to teach knowledge and train practice skills from theories related to
positive psychology and mindfulness.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychology (Irvine)
Pages (from-to)925-942
Publication statusPublished - 25. Jun 2021

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