Agent-based Modeling for Optimizing CO2 Reduction in Commercial Greenhouse Production with the Implicit Demand Response

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Indndustriesustries areare ideidentified antified as s major potentialmajor potentialss toto reducereduce the the CO2 emission CO2 emission due to their large energy consumptiondue to their large energy consumption andand thethe possibilitypossibility of of providproviding ing energy flexibility wenergy flexibility with ith optimizoptimizationation andand smart smart controlcontrol. . CommeCommercial grcial greenreenhouhouseses as are considered as onere considered as one ofof the the industrindustries ies that have lthat have large arge energy energy flexibilityflexibility potepotentialsntials withwith the the hheaveaviily used ly used aartificrtificiial lightingal lighting (around (around 75% of the 75% of the electricityelectricity consumption coming from artificial lightingconsumption coming from artificial lighting)).. This paper investigates the This paper investigates the CO2 CO2 redreductuctionion potentialpotential in thin thee commercial greenhouses commercial greenhouses withwith aa cacase studse studyy of of the the DDanish anish commerccommercialial grgreenhoueenhousseses viavia parparticipation in ticipation in thethe implicit implicit DDemand emand RResponseesponse.. AAgentgent--BBased ased modemodelingling is used to simulate is used to simulate thethe greenhgreenhouse ouse production production and and the response the response toto the electricity spothe electricity spot t price signalsprice signals.. The The result shows result shows that the that the potentpotentialial of of CO2 CO2 reducreducttionion in 201in 2018 wa8 was s 0.33% 0.33% ((equalequals to s to 170 thousand170 thousand tontonnesnes)) of of the total the total DanisDanish h emissionemission whenwhen 50%50% ((equalequalss to to 181181 growersgrowers)) of the of the Danish Danish commercial greenhouses commercial greenhouses parparticipatticipatee in in thethe implicit implicit DDemand emand RResponseesponse.. The last 50% of the The last 50% of the commercial greenhcommercial greenhouseousess have a have a relativerelativellyy slow adoslow adopptition rate on rate andand account for only a small amaccount for only a small amount of ount of COCO2 reduction2 reductionss.. MeMeanwhile,anwhile, the the largelargest st reduction of the reduction of the CO2 emiCO2 emissionssion iis not ins not in chchrronologicalonological ororderder asas comcommercial gremercial greenhouseenhousess’’ financial savingfinancial saving becabecauseuse the the electricity spot prelectricity spot price ice and solar irradiationand solar irradiation dodo nonott fofollowllow each othereach other..
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSAMCON2020
Number of pages7
Publication date2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventThe 6th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization - Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 14. Mar 202016. Mar 2020


ConferenceThe 6th IEEJ international workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization
LocationShibaura Institute of Technology
Internet address


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