A Taste for the Other: Cosmopolitanism, Sense Work, and the Consumption of Difference

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


The concept of cosmopolitanism offers pathways for reframing core dimensions of the character and meaning of translocal consumption. An ancient philosophical idea once again at the center of innovations in social and cultural theory, cosmopolitanism relates to forms and practices of belonging and ethical solidarities reaching beyond local and national frames. Though its recommendations for social sciences are wide-ranging and broad (Beck and Sznaider 2006; Delanty 2009), more specifically, cosmopolitanism affords numerous points of innovation for social scientific studies of taste around the ethical interpretation and meaning of the global contexts of consumption practices. To appreciate the impact of cosmopolitanism within

studies of taste, we need first to briefly revisit some recent history in the connected fields of studies of taste and consumption.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTaste, Consumption and Markets : An interdisciplinary volume
EditorsZeynep Arsel, Jonathan Bean
Publication date11. May 2018
ISBN (Print)9781138636576
ISBN (Electronic)9781315205922
Publication statusPublished - 11. May 2018
SeriesRoutledge Interpretive Marketing Research


  • consumption
  • consumer research
  • taste
  • Sociology
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Cosmopolitan consumption
  • senses


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