A robot sampling apparatus and a method for obtaining intra-cavvity biological surface sample from patient

Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu (Inventor), Henrik Gordon Petersen (Inventor), Nicolai Iversen (Inventor), Aljaz Kramberger (Inventor), Iñigo Iturrate (Inventor), Jakob Wilm (Inventor), Michael Schmidt (Inventor), Miha Deniša (Inventor), Anders Prier Lindvig (Inventor), Anders Glent Buch (Inventor), Trine Straarup Winther (Inventor), Christoffer Sloth (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention concerns a robotic sampling apparatus for obtaining a biological sample from a patient, comprising a preparation compartment 5 comprising a plurality of storage areas accommodating individual test kit objects and a transfer arrangement for accommodating and repositioning at least one test kit object, and a first handling system for collecting at least one test kit object from at least one of said storage areas and positioning said at least one test kit object in said transfer arrangement; a sanitation compartment, which is adapted to receiving the at least one test kit object on the transfer arrangement, and wherein said sanitation compartment comprises a second handling system for picking a test kit object for obtaining the biological sample from the patient, an opening for a patient area for providing the patient in a predetermined position which is accessible to the second handling system for moving said test kit object from an initial position to an active position in which the biological sample can be obtained from the patient; and a control system provided for governing at least the first handling system, the movement of the transfer arrangement and the second handling system for performing of the robotic sampling apparatus when obtaining the biological sample from a patient.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2021228810 (A1)
Filing date18/11/2021
Priority date14/05/2020
Priority numberEP20200174693
Publication statusPublished - 18. Nov 2021


  • Robots
  • Medical
  • Mechanical Design


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