A multilevel perspective on digital consultations in general practice

Elle Christine Lüchau, Elisabeth Assing Hvidt, Linn Getz, Børge Lønnebakke Norberg, Tor Magne Johnsen, Eli Kristiansen, Frida Susanna Greek Kofod, Bjarne Austad, Ann Dorrit Guassora

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


The pandemic has boosted the GP community’s experience in use of digital consultations (DCs) as supplements or alternatives to physical patient encounters. DCs are appreciated because they convey easy access and time efficacy. Increasing demand from patients can be expected. We ask: WHAT CAN AND SHOULD THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL CONSULTATIONS EMBEDDED IN THE NORDIC HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS LOOK LIKE? AND HOW DO WE GET THERE? A large body of research on DCs already exists. But once simpler questions are answered, new and more complex questions and dilemmas arise. These issues can be addressed at different system levels, with the total ecology of primary healthcare in mind. Aim and learning objectives: To address possibilities and challenges associated with digital GP consultations from a systems perspective, addressing micro- meso- and macro levels.
A PURPOSEFULLY CONNECTED SERIES OF MINI LECTURES will outline essential established knowledge, crucial research questions, and emerging paradoxes and dilemmas, for example: -Micro level: What is known about clinical appropriateness, consultation process and effectiveness at the individual consultation level, seen both from GPs’ and patients’ perspectives? -Meso level: How do digital modalities affect the local “ecology” in the individual GP practice/centre in terms of accessibility and workload, workflow and doctor/patient satisfaction? -Macro level: how do political and bureaucratic expectations, decisions and incentives impact on the GP community’s potential to optimize the use of digital consultations in general practice, aiming for effective, responsible and sustainable practice organization?
Original languageEnglish
Publication date23. Jun 2022
Publication statusPublished - 23. Jun 2022
Event22nd Nordic Congress of General Practice - Stavanger, Norway
Duration: 21. Jun 202223. Jun 2022


Conference22nd Nordic Congress of General Practice

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