The Vulnerabilities of the Drone Age

Project: Research

Project Details


Dr. James Rogers, DIAS Fellow in War Studies, and member of SDU’s Centre for War Studies, has been awarded 380,000 DKK (EUR 51,000.00) for the project ‘The Vulnerabilities of the Drone Age: Strategic Foresight Planning out to 2035’.
James Rogers will take up the position of NATO Country Director for the project, and Michael Haas will be coordinating the contributions of the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, which will serve as a Partner Country institution for this project. Dr. Dominika Kunertova (ETH Zurich), who helped develop the project whilst working as a Postdoc at SDU, and Dr. Tom Waldman (Macquarie University) will form the Organising Committee
Short titleDrone Age
Effective start/end date05/07/202022/07/2022

Collaborative partners

  • ETH Zürich


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