SCC Elite Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment

Project: Research

Project Details


The aim of CUHRE is to create an international research environment that study and boost the population's ecoliteracy – its collective capability and will to make the society life-friendly, sustainable, regenerative and carbon-neutral in partnership with the more-than-human living world. CUHRE aims to develop and execute research projects that create the essential
new knowledge and pedagogic tools about how ecoliteracy can be fostered among citizens in carbon-
intensive northern European countries. CUHRE’s fundamental assumption is twofold:
- that any effective response to the crises will involve a radical change of societies and ways of life.
- that education plays a crucial role in both the shaping and reshaping of ideas, practices and behaviour
on a societal scale in democratic societies.
Short titleCUHRE
Effective start/end date01/06/202331/05/2027

Collaborative partners

  • Center for Climate Literacy - University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Project partner) (lead)
  • Jordens Skole (Project partner)
  • Kerteminde Maritime Haver (Project partner)
  • The Centre for Regenerating Futures - Deakin University (Project partner)
  • EARTHWAYS (Project partner)
  • Center for Regenerativ Transformation (Project partner)


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