Project Details


With increasing prevalence of multimorbidity and specialization of healthcare the ability to hand over
patients smoothly and safely between caregivers and sectors becomes increasingly important to all
healthcare systems.
Safe Hands is a tri-sectoral collaboration between the South- and Southwest Jutland hospitals and
the surrounding municipalities and general practices. Safe Hands aims to improve intra- and cross
healthcare sectoral patient handovers by involving the relevant patients and healthcare professionals
in developing and feasibility testing tri-sector interventions based on patient involvement, relational
coordination, and information sharing.

Key findings

NOVO Nordisk fonden

Layman's description

med stigende forekomst af multimorbiditet og specialisering af sundhedsvæsenet evnen til at aflevere patienter gnidningsløst og sikkert mellem plejepersonale og sektorer bliver stadig vigtigere for alle sundhedssystemer.
Sikre hænder er et trisektorielt samarbejde mellem de Syd- og Sydvestjyske sygehuse og omegnskommunerne og almen praksis. Safe Hands har til formål at forbedre intra- og cross sundhedssektorielle patientoverdragelser ved at inddrage de relevante patienter og sundhedspersonale i at udvikle og gennemførlighedsteste trisektorinterventioner baseret på patientinddragelse, relationelle
koordinering og informationsdeling.
Short titleSafe Hands
Effective start/end date01/02/202331/01/2026