Point Of Care Technology to avoid acute hospital admissions among older adults

Project: PhD Project

Project Details


The overall objective of this trial is to investigate whether extended POCT (POCUS and bedside blood analysis) during in-home assessments among older adults with signs of potential acute respiratory disease reduces hospital admission. Our hypothesis is that extended POCT improves the bedside diagnostic process thereby qualifying PCPs’ clinical decision-making on treatment.

Key findings

Primary outcome: acute admissions within 30-days follow-up. Secondary outcomes: Hospital admissions on day 0, Mortality, Hospital-free days <30 days, Readmission <30 days, Length of hospital admission, Complications during admission, Treatment initiations or changes at Day 0, Treatment initiation or changes <30 days, Functional level assessed by home care need, Contacts to Primary Care Physician.
Effective start/end date01/03/202131/05/2024


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