Project Details


An increasing number of targeted treatment towards lung cancer is emergining. This challenges the amount and quality of tissue sampling, and new needles have been developed to allow for larger volumes of tissue acquisition, eg fine needle biopsy (FNB) needles. Conventional needles are termed fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy needles. EUS-B (ultrasound guided endoscopy) is a new method to reach and biopsy lesions in lungs, lymph nodes and inner organs adjacent to the esophagus or ventricle. In the present study we will in two randomized clinical trials investigate the diagnostic property on a genetic level of a new biopsi needle. In previously undiagnosed patients (study 1) only sampling via EUS-B is investigated. In patients with suspected progression or recurrence of a known lung cancer (Study 2), samples can be obtained via EUS-B or EBUS ((ultrasound guided endoscopy via the airways). Additionally, we will compare the diagnostic property of circulating tumor DNA in blood stream (ctDNA) with those of FNA and FNB.
Short titleEUS-B and genetic diagnosis of lung cancer
Effective start/end date01/11/2022 → …


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