Forskningsprojekt: Acadre 20/17209. PRESORT - Cost-efficient pre-screening system for virus infections

  • Kristensen, Anders (Project participant)
  • Dufva, Martin (Project participant)
  • Yderstræde, Knud (Project participant)
  • Andersen, Thomas Emil (Project participant)
  • Olsen, Lars Rønn (Project participant)
  • Pedersen, Jonas Nyvold (Project participant)
  • Grønnemose, Rasmus Birkholm (Project participant)

Project: Research

Project Details


The aim of this project is to develop an analytic setup using saliva samples for quantitative determination of the presence of virus particles using advanced microscopic examination of saliva samples from SARS-COV2 individuals.

Key findings

So far a thorough test machinery has been established in collaboration between DTU and dept. of Clinical Microbiology OUH. Tests were initially done on a standard virus laboratory sample and afterwards tests were applied to SARS-COV2 samples. Refinements are performed during the next few months.
Effective start/end date01/06/202028/06/2021

Collaborative partners

  • Technical University of Denmark (lead)
  • Aalborg University