Activities per year
Project Details
During the hectic days in October 2023, we gained valuable experience about how society responds when disaster strikes. The event gave a clear indication of the limits in our ability to control nature's dynamism, especially when it comes to water. So, what strategy will we choose for the future, and what will you and I be willing to support when it comes to developing a climate-robust region? Do we continue to keep the water out at all costs? Should we invite the water in to a greater extent? Or, do we accept that water will always win and that we must therefore retreat from flood-prone areas?
It is such conversations that the ClimateBlue project will set in motion - in Denmark, in Germany and across the two countries sharing the Baltic Sea. The overall aim of the project is to provide insights, knowledge, and build social capital for the development of local, regional, and national long-term strategies for coastal retreat. Since neither Danish nor German society currently acknowledge the likely need to give land back to the water, the project expects to contribute to maturing the public and political conversation around water-related societal upheaval and climatic change.
While authorities and municipalities across the Intereg region are beginning to engage their citizens in climate-related discussions in a variety of ways, ClimateBlue takes these initiatives to a new level by linking local interests to common, interconnected water problems around the Baltic Sea. We expect ClimateBlue to institutionalize focused interactions between society, science, and policy in the region and to inspire other regions facing similar challenges now or in the future.
Status | Not started |
Effective start/end date | 01/03/2025 → 29/02/2028 |
Collaborative partners
- Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (Project partner) (lead)
- Miljøstyrelsens Center for Klimatilpasning (Project partner)
- KielRegion GmbH (Project partner)
- Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz, Nationalpark und Meeresschutz Schleswig-Holstein (Project partner)
- GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Project partner)
- Guldborgsund Kommune (Project partner)
- Middelfart Kommune (Project partner)
- Vejle Kommune (Project partner)
- Kolding Kommune (Project partner)
- Haderslev Kommune (Project partner)
- Region Sjælland (Network partner)
- KL (Network partner)
- Stadt Kiel (Network partner)
- Stadt Flensburg (Network partner)
- Kreis Ostholstein Klimaschutz (Network partner)
- AG Küstenschutz Ostsee (Network partner)
- Center for Ocean and Society (CeOS) (Network partner)
- Sund og Bælt Holding A/S (Network partner)
- Klimaalliancen Syd (Network partner)
- Sjællands Klimaalliance (Network partner)
- Kerteminde Kommune (Network partner)
- Svendborg Kommune (Network partner)
- Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune (Network partner)
- Solrød Kommune (Network partner)
- Aabenraa Kommune (Network partner)
- Tønder Kommune (Network partner)
Related activities
- 2 Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Public communication to boost climate engagement and action
Autzen, C. (Speaker), Elf, N. (Speaker) & Andersen, D. R. (Speaker)
11. Oct 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
SDU beach: Klimaforandringer i kystzonen
Autzen, C. (Speaker), Petersen, H. C. (Speaker), Mernild, S. (Speaker), Elf, N. (Speaker), Quintana, C. O. (Speaker) & Innocenti, A. (Speaker)
29. Aug 2024 → 31. Aug 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Related projects
- 3 Active
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