Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces (DNRF Centre of Excellence, DKK 90m)

Project: Other Government Institutions

Project Details


QGM was established in 2009 as a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The research objective is to address fundamental mathematical problems at the interface between geometry and theoretical physics.
Conceptual goals
- To significantly advance the understanding of moduli spaces and their quantization
- To train the next generation of scholars and researchers to build the Centre into a world-renowed catalyst for collborative cutting-edge research
- To develop the quantum geometry of moduli spaces, in order to provide complete mathematical models for a number of quantum field theories.

Layman's description

The center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces' mission is to contribute to defining quantum field theory as a mathematical entity & to contribute to unify quantum theory with quantum gravity.
Effective start/end date01/09/200931/12/2019


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