Anticipating Governance in the Coming Multi-Order World AGMOW

  • Flockhart, Trine (Project participant)
  • Korosteleva, Elena A. (CoI)
  • Xing, Li (CoI)
  • Bode, Ingvild (Project participant)
  • Sus, Monika (Project participant)
  • Nielsen, Liv (PhD student)

Project: Research

Project Details


The project rests on the premise that the international system is transforming into
one consisting of several international orders (Multi-Order World), which will
fundamentally alter the conditions for global order and governance. AGMOW will
investigate the character and development of four existing or emerging international
orders and their cooperation in three urgent governance challenges: autonomous
weapons, global health & climate change. The project will assess the prospects for a
new form of global governance, suitable for the coming multi-order world, which we
conceptualize as "Multi-Order Governance". The project is structured by a new
innovative theoretical and conceptual approach, using mixed sequenced methods -
process-tracing, conceptual mapping, narrative methods and foresight analysis to
assess the development of the ordering domains (orders and governance fields) and
their ability to cooperate and stay resilient in a rapidly changing global environment.

Layman's description

The world today is changing rapidly and unfortunately, violently, which together indicate that we moving towards a new international system that will consist of several radically different international orders, led by e.g. China, USA and Russia as well as new transnational actors. In such a "multi-order world" divergent views on which rules and values ​​are to be followed will be questioned, which will have profound effects on the prospects for global order and cooperation. The question is therefore how global cooperation can be organised to meet the many challenges that inevitably are part of a dynamic, complex and connected world. The project focuses on governance of three important policy areas that must necessarily be tackled through global cooperation - climate change, new autonomous weapons technologies and cooperation in connection with pandemics. The project combines traditional and innovative social science methods with a newly developed theoretical framework that will let us set up possible scenarios for a future where "multi-order" defines the global structure of relations. The ambition is not to be able to predict the future, but rather to be able to identify megatrends and potential shocks to better visualise the prospects for global cooperation in a multi-order world. The project contributes to theoretical and conceptual innovation within the research area of "global governance" and international order.
Effective start/end date01/01/202330/06/2026

Collaborative partners

  • Aalborg University
  • Hertie School of Governance
  • University of Southern Denmark (lead)
  • University of Warwick


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