13th Nordic Conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics

  • Di Guida, Sibilla (PI)

Project: Research

Project Details


The “Nordic Conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics” is one of the leading conferences on behavioral and experimental economics in Europe. It is held yearly, hosted by a Scandinavian university, and now (at its 13th edition) it’s one ofthe reference points for scholars in the field, attracting researchers from all over the world. The focus of the conference attracts both highly specialized scholars as well as researchersfrom every branch of Economics, united in their interest for behavioural theories and the use of experimental techniques. In the last editions, sessions have spanned as diverse fields asHealth Economics, Political Economy, Consumer Choice, Ethical Behavior, Risk Perception, and the study of Social Preferences (to name a few).

Layman's description

Effective start/end date15/09/201831/10/2018