Årets Forskertalent

Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions


Prisen Årets Forskertalent blev indstiftet i 2015 af Psykiatriens Forskningsfond.
Den bliver uddelt én gang årligt, og foruden hæderen følger en check på 10.000 kroner
Prisen gives til en juniorforsker på prægraduat eller ph.d-studerende niveau, der har udvist et særligt forskertalent og har været dygtig til at promovere den psykiatriske forskning i Psykiatrien i Region Syddanmark.
Juryen består af forskningsudvalgets formand og to øvrige medlemmer. I år Aida Bikic, Elsebeth Stenager, Jens Peter Hansen

The Price Research Talent of the Year was founded in 2015 by the Research Fond of the Mental Health Services of Southern Denmark. It is awarded once pr year. Besides the honor it also includes a 10.000 DKK (1.300 €) price.
The price is awarded to a junior researcher on pre-graduat or ph.d. student level, who has demonstrated an extraordinary research talent and has demonstrated skillfull dissemination and promotion of psychiatric research in the Mental Health Services of Southern Denmark.
The jury consist of the head of the Research Board and two additional members. This year Aida Bikic, Elsebeth Stenager, Jens Peter Hansen.