6 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Zhipeng Michael Ma with the persons below:
Daniel Anthony Howard
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- Department Services, MMMI - External Lecturer
Person: VIP
Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- SDU Center for Energy Informatics - Head of Center, Professor
Person: VIP
Signe Rude Madsen
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- SDU Center for Energy Informatics - Student Assistant, Student helper
Person: TAP, VIP
Magnus Værbak
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- SDU Center for Energy Informatics - Assistant professor
Person: VIP