6 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Victoria Blanes-Vidal with the persons below:
Gunnar Baatrup
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Surgery (Odense) - Clinical Professor
Person: VIP
Manuella Lech Cantuaria
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Oto Rhino Laryngology (Odense) - Assistant Professor
- SDU Climate Cluster - Assistant professor
Person: VIP
Lars Porskjær Christensen
- Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy - Head of Department
- SDU Climate Cluster - Head of department, Professor
Person: TAP, VIP
Smith Khare
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- SDU Applied AI and Data Science - Assistant Professor
- KI, OUH, CAI-X Centre for Clinical AI (Odense) - VIP
Person: VIP
Esmaeil Nadimi
- The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
- SDU Applied AI and Data Science - Head of Unit, Professor
- KI, OUH, CAI-X Centre for Clinical AI (Odense) - VIP
Person: VIP
Hossein Ramezani
- Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- SDU Mechatronics (CIM) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP