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The encounter with the healthcare system of socially disadvantaged patients with head and neck cancer – an evaluation project and development of an intervention.
Thomsen, T. G. (Co-supervisor), Mondahl, J. (PhD student), Frederiksen, K. (Supervisor), Homøe, P. (Co-supervisor) & Hellesøe, R. (Co-supervisor)
01/04/2020 → 01/04/2023
Project: PhD Project
The quality of Quietness during hospitalization with a newborn
Backhausen, M. G. (Project manager), Broberg, L. (Working partner), Rosted, E. E. (Working partner), Thomsen, T. G. (Working partner) & Beck, M. (Academic project manager)
02/03/2021 → 31/03/2023
Project: Research
Postnatal quietness - The dilemma of visiting hours. A qualitative interview study with maternity care staff
Thomsen, T. G. (Project participant), Backhausen, M. (Project manager) & Beck, M. (Project participant)
04/01/2021 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Danish Translation, Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Context Assessment Index (CAI)
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager) & Rosted, E. E. (Project manager)
07/02/2018 → 23/09/2019
Project: Research
Kompetencer hos sygeplejersker i sygeplejeambulatorier - set fra et patientperspektiv
Thomsen, T. G. (Head coordinator)
01/10/2018 → 25/06/2019
Project: Research
Udvikling og evaluering af en refleksionsmodel (KROB-modellen)
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager), Bjerge, C. (Project participant), Pia, S. (Project participant), Trieben, L. (Project participant) & Ringdahl, R. (Project participant)
04/04/2017 → 31/05/2019
Project: Research
Development and initial validation of a questionaire measuring pateint empowerment in cancer follow-up
Thomsen, T. G. (Project participant), Eskildsen, N. (Project participant), Johnsen, A. T. (Project manager) & Nielsen, T. (Project participant)
03/03/2014 → 22/06/2018
Project: Research
Patientinvolvering i samtaleudvalg
Thomsen, T. G. (Head coordinator)
01/02/2016 → 01/10/2017
Project: Research
Participation in healthcare –between power and powerlessness. A qualitative longitudinal study of COPD patients’ and their family members’ experiences during and after hospitalization for a severe exacerbation in COPD
Andersen, I. C. (PhD student), Bødtger, U. (Co-supervisor), Hounsgaard, L. (Supervisor), Thomsen, T. G. (Co-supervisor) & Poul, B. (Co-supervisor)
01/09/2014 → 31/08/2017
Project: PhD Project
Cancer rehabilitation in a surgical outpatient clinic
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager)
01/03/2012 → 30/05/2016
Project: Research
Tryghed i opfølgningsforløb efter en tarmkræftoperation
Thomsen, T. G. (Head coordinator)
01/02/2012 → 01/02/2016
Project: Research
Patients’ experiential knowledge, an overlooked factor for patients’ courage to engage in their medication at the time of discharge
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor) & Fabricius, P. K. (Project participant)
05/01/2015 → 19/06/2015
Project: Research
Development of Academic Writing Course
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager)
04/10/2011 → 18/12/2014
Project: Research
Coping Advanced Cancer Around the Interaction of Patient, Professionals and the Family
Thomsen, T. G. (PhD student)
01/05/2007 → 25/11/2011
Project: PhD Project
Advanced cancer patients as participants in their own lives
Thomsen, T. G. (PhD student), Rydahl-Hansen, S. (Supervisor) & Wagner, L. (Supervisor)
01/05/2007 → 26/11/2010
Project: Research
The experience of relatives to patients entering an oncology phase 1 experimental trial – a study to identify family related focus areas in nursing
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor) & Skøtt, R. (Project participant)
Project: Research
Nurse-students’ development of professional identity in clinical practice
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor) & Nissen, A. S. (Project participant)
Project: Research
The life with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and CPAP-treatment
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor), Jensen, T. (Project participant) & Jensen, Z. (Project participant)
Project: Research
A multi-facetted patient safety resource – A qualitative interview study on hospital managers’ perception of the nurse-led Rapid Response Team
Thomsen, T. G. (Project participant) & Bunkenborg, G. (Project manager)
Project: Research
Exploring the Effectiveness and Acceptability of Remote Fine-Tuning of Hearing Aids in Danish Adults: A parallel group, non-inferiority randomized controlled trial with an Embedded Qualitative Study
Thomsen, T. G. (Project participant), Altinkaya, N. (PhD student), Djurhuus, B. D. (Supervisor) & Schmidt, J. H. (Co-supervisor)
Project: Research
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea participates in development and implementation of a patient-education – A mixed method feasibility study.
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor), Andersen, C. (PhD student), Petersen, M. (Co-supervisor), Bove, D. (Co-supervisor) & Broström, A. (Co-supervisor)
Project: Research
Becoming a different person - a qualitative explorative interview study among patients and health care professionals concerning life with hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as a condition in everyday life and in the encounter with the health care system
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor), Werge, R. P. (Project participant) & Hamberg, M. L. (Project participant)
Project: Research
Duality in the significance of physical environments. A qualitative study, in the effect of physical environments in the nursing of hospitalized patients.
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor) & Hjorhöy, L. (Project participant)
Project: Research
Ready for preparedness? Development of a dialogue tool for frontline staff in a crisis situation
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager) & Thomsen, S. (Project participant)
Project: Other
Danish translation and cultural adaption of the Person-centred Practice Inventory – Staff (PCPI-S) and Person-centred Practice Inventory – Service User (PCPI-SU) questionnaires
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager) & Rosted, E. E. (Project manager)
Project: Research
On the frontline treating COVID-19: A pendulum experience—from meaningful to overwhelming—for Danish healthcare professionals.
Thomsen, T. G. (Project manager) & Rosted, E. E. (Project manager)
Project: Research
Danish Translation, Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Context Assessment Index (CAI)
Thomsen, T. G. (Project participant), Hølge-Hazelton, B. (Project manager), Bruun, L. (Project participant), McCormack, B. (Project participant), Slater, L. (Project participant), Klausen, S. (Project participant) & Bucknall, T. (Project participant)
Project: Research
Having skills - A qualitative study investigating COPD patient's outpatient meeting with the nurse's competencies, seen from the patient perspective.
Thomsen, T. G. (Supervisor) & Pleh, D. (Project participant)
Project: Research