Personal profile

Research areas

Research approach and paper contribution:
- Innovation and growth,
- Network collaboration and ecosystems
- Organisational innovation and knowledge creation 
- Strategic innovation and digitalization,
- Business development,  
- Regional development,
- Tripple helix

contribution to:
- Networking SME's in the foodindustry,
- Windturbine industry network suppliers,

- Quantitative analyses through AMOS
- structural equation modeling and path analyses (SEM)
- Qualitative analyses,
- Action research & action learning, Theory

contribution to:
- Empirical contribution to innovation- , organisation, strategy and network theories,
- Conceptual contribution to Innovation theory

Research information

Innovation, learning and growth,Projects:
- LIV, 'landbrugsrelaterede innovative virksomheder' -Agricultural innovative Enterprises from 2008-2011,
- Energy at Sea, Business development for SME suppliers in the windturbine industry from 2011-2013,
- SME research,, Research collaboration between University of Aarhus, Nykredit and PwC from 2011-2016,
- Green Offshore Center, Danish stakeholders within green sustainable energy from 2013 -2015,

- Strategic Innovation in harbour spaces in 2017-2018,

- Harbour perspectives in 2018,

- Growth management in SMEs in 2018-2020 in collaboration with Aarhus University

- Board of Directors in SMEs as digital catalyzators in 2018-2021 in collaboration with Aarhus University


  • Innovation Management
  • Userdriven Innovation
  • Organizational Learning
  • Business Process
  • Organizational Theory


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